At a Crossroads; Support from Others


Decision making is part of everyday life, but sometimes we reach a point where a more significant life decision is needed. There are many possible options ahead of us and we need to work out which route to take. We might feel pressured or fully motivated to follow one path and even doing nothing is a decision, even if it might not feel like it.

Our crossroads might be the decision to apply for a new job and attend an interview, or when you are considering jacking it all in to travel the world. It could be the point at which you are deciding whether to rent or buy a home, or deciding whether to put your elderly relation into a home. You may be considering a marriage proposal or starting the divorce proceedings.

When we reach these crossroads, we are often in the position of needing assistance from someone else; a Careers Advisor, a Mortgage Broker, a Care Home Manager or a Solicitor for example. These professional people don’t know the details of our situation, but they can have a significant influence on how we feel about the decision we have to make.

Professional Support

With an element of risk and the certainty of change, emotions can be charged at a crossroads. Whilst these professionals have a job to do, the way in which they communicate and the words they say can really make a difference. If you feel they have listened, that they have understood your situation and helped you to clarify your thoughts, you can gain confidence and reassurance about your next step.

In contrast, if the process has been methodical, uncaring and possibly even a little judgemental, then it can leave you feeling defensive. You could begin to question your decision and the whole experience becomes more stressful.

If your job regularly puts you in contact with people as they reach a crucial crossroads in their lives, you will know the importance of effective communication. The process you go through might be an everyday encounter for you, but a scary and daunting once in a lifetime process for them. It is vital that an understanding approach is adopted.

Effective Communication

The challenge is that, whilst you trained in your profession and have the accreditation to show for it, effective communication isn’t often a formalised part of the training programme. You may naturally be a people person, but your skills have evolved through practice, rather than being learnt. You may be doing fine, yet an NLP course could help you develop your communication skills, so you feel more confident in difficult situations or with challenging clients.

NLP Courses

Neuro Linguistic Programming or NLP courses, explore our thought processes and use of language. It explores how the words and non-verbal communication can be used to get the most out of the situation. The right language can empower others, it can be used to challenge without causing offence and when things have stalled, it can help you to clarify the points you need to make or the actions you’ve agreed to take in order to move the process forward.

If you are interested in finding out more about NLP courses, Amersham based Cognisant Training offers regular opportunities for people to gain a basic insight into NLP, as well as offering more advanced NLP courses. For further information click here.