Start to Combat Your Fear

We live in a world where media headlines seem to be designed to pray on our insecurities and escalate our fears. In our own lives, we are often fearful of not living up to the unachievable expectations that modern society places on us. In addition we have innate fears that remain from our ancestral past, but still affect our thinking. A degree of fear is necessary and even good for us. We need to be fearful of danger in order to protect ourselves and those we care for. We need fear to fire up our ‘fight or flight’ responses in threatening situations and fear can also help us to live a less risky existence. The trouble is that too much fear can inhibit us and prevent us from living to our full potential. Fear is quite a dramatic word, so it is often replaced by other descriptions including worry, anxiety, apprehension, concern, tension or stress. Any of these can lead to us avoiding situations or opportunities that could enhance our lives. They can prevent us from taking action, leave us feeling exhausted and impact on our physical and mental health. Coaching and Mentoring An important role for any coach or mentor is to help the person or people they work with to recognise their fears, understand the cause and then take action to overcome the areas which are having a negative impact. What is it that is holding them back? Some of the causes are a fear of overriding responsibility for others, a feeling that actions could result in a lack of control, a resistance to change, previous bad...

It’s Tough Being a Parent

Many people dream of becoming a parent, but it isn’t until our children are born, fostered or adopted that we can truly understand the weight of the responsibility. Without a manual, a coach or any formal training, we are expected to know what to do in an endless array of situations. As parents we have many decisions to make and we want to make the right one, but there is always conflicting information, peer pressure and alternative options that make it tricky to follow your heart. Even if you think you are doing the right thing, it takes considerable confidence to go against the advice or example of others. The Importance of Communication Then there is the daily challenge of communication. Our children often decide to raise an important point or ask advice at the busiest times. They suddenly recall all the details of the day at bedtime, or mention something that needs further discussion when you’re running late for the next appointment. If we’re in a hurry, exhausted, or have a long list of tasks on our mind, it is easy to snap, say something in the wrong way, or simply avoid getting into an in-depth conversation. We might regret what we’ve said later, but the opportunity has passed. Occasionally missing out on a chance to really listen to our children or answer their question is not a big deal. If it happens all the time, the child may soon feel like they are not being heard, that they aren’t important and that no one believes in them. When we see undesirable attitude in children, it is often...

At a Crossroads; Support from Others

Decision making is part of everyday life, but sometimes we reach a point where a more significant life decision is needed. There are many possible options ahead of us and we need to work out which route to take. We might feel pressured or fully motivated to follow one path and even doing nothing is a decision, even if it might not feel like it. Our crossroads might be the decision to apply for a new job and attend an interview, or when you are considering jacking it all in to travel the world. It could be the point at which you are deciding whether to rent or buy a home, or deciding whether to put your elderly relation into a home. You may be considering a marriage proposal or starting the divorce proceedings. When we reach these crossroads, we are often in the position of needing assistance from someone else; a Careers Advisor, a Mortgage Broker, a Care Home Manager or a Solicitor for example. These professional people don’t know the details of our situation, but they can have a significant influence on how we feel about the decision we have to make. Professional Support With an element of risk and the certainty of change, emotions can be charged at a crossroads. Whilst these professionals have a job to do, the way in which they communicate and the words they say can really make a difference. If you feel they have listened, that they have understood your situation and helped you to clarify your thoughts, you can gain confidence and reassurance about your next step. In contrast, if...

A Problem Shared

Few people go through life without difficulties, disruptions and disputes, so we’ve all had to experience tough times. Although many others are probably facing similar issues, it can still be incredibly difficult to be open and admit things aren’t going to plan. We all face problems that we have no previous experience of and we want help to sort out. From a single view point, there can feel like there is no way out and we know that others may help, yet there is a sense that admitting all is not rosy is a sign of weakness. Most of the time, we put a brave face on in public. We try to conduct business as usual, pretending yet hiding the truth. We might spend the evenings crying or drinking as a result of the problem, but we say we’re ‘fine’ if anyone asks. Opening Up On a rare occasion, we might be in the company of someone who allows us to open up. They just ask the right question, at the right time and in the right way that allows us to be honest. This person could be your closest friend or a complete stranger, but something makes it possible to drop the mask. Just by allowing you to speak, listening and taking your issues seriously, they can really help release some of the pressure that has been building up inside. If they ask the right questions and encourage you to talk more, their input can clear the fog and help you to see the next step that you need to take. They might mentally or physically take your...
Helping Others to be The Best

Helping Others to be The Best

The Law of Attraction has many fans and in its simplest form, it promotes the virtues of positive thinking and positive influences. There has been scientific evidence to show that a positive mind-set does have an impact on important factors such as our health, our confidence and achieving our ambitions. In addition we all know that our mood can be considerably lifted or dampened depending on who we spend time with. If we take on a positive attitude, actively work towards the things we want to achieve and believe in ourselves, we can improve our own lives. Not only that, but our attitude will influence others and help them to look upon things in a better light. “The people we surround ourselves with either raise or lower our standards. They either help us to become the best version of ourselves or encourage us to become a lesser version of ourselves… We all need people in our lives who raise our standards, remind us of our essential purpose and challenge us to become the best version of ourselves.”  The Law of Attraction Being Influenced and Influencing Others We may not always make conscious decisions about who we surround ourselves with, but we know the people that make us feel good about ourselves, make us think differently, give us hope for the future and support our ambitions. We may not always realise that we are providing this service to others, but sometimes just being there to listen, compliment and reassure can make all the difference. We don’t need to do anything particularly amazing to inspire others, sometimes a smile, understanding and...
The Power of Human Endurance

The Power of Human Endurance

Last summer, twelve 70 foot yachts left London on the Clipper Around The World Yacht Race. What makes this circumnavigation of the globe unique is that it is open to anyone who wants to take on the challenge. The crew on all other major yachting challenges are experienced sailors, Olympic athletes and others that have been working towards such an opportunity since they were young. The Clipper Yacht Race crews are made up of people of all ages, professions and expertise. Many of them have never been out on the water from more than a recreational boat trip before they sign up. Yet, this is the longest boat race, with around 40,000 nautical miles being covered in a journey that takes the best part of a year. On route, the crew face extreme conditions, live in close proximity to one another and face challenges that they will have no prior knowledge of. They will have to draw on huge reserves of mental and physical strength, keep going when they are exhausted and fully test their powers of endurance. One of this year’s competitors, Simon Parker opted to step off the yacht for Leg 7 of the race. Whilst he gained freedom from the close confines of the yacht, Simon didn’t rest. Instead he decided to cycle across America to see whether he could beat the boats using pedal power. Following a 42 day cycle ride of 3,750 miles, he arrived a day before his team reached port. Super Human Feats The fact that a relative novice can push themselves to the limit and find something deep within that forces...